Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Extra security

Being a security guard at a hospital brings with it unexpected situations and challenges that call on one's training, skills, and composure. Here's a note from last Friday to our chief of security from a nurse who happened to be near our front entrance at the right time:


I am a nurse on 5/6 Feldberg who was in the Feldberg Lobby yesterday afternoon when a Code Blue* was called -- Location Feldberg circle outside the front door on the sidewalk. I ran out the door and found a man in a wheel chair being helped out of a car by two Public Safety Officers, Marianne Hughes and Platini Pontes. They both said "He is not breathing."

Immediately the three of us jumped into action. We put the patient onto the sidewalk from the wheelchair. Marianne started doing chest compressions immediately. I was trying to get the man's clothing off to be able to do better compressions. Platini was trying to manage the crowd and initial surge of people rushing towards the patient. Marianne did compressions for a while, and then I relieved her.

The patient did get a heart beat back and was transferred to the ER. When the code was over I went looking for the two of them, as I wanted to tell them what a great job they had both done. I was only able to locate Marianne. She was a little upset as this was the first Code Blue she had ever participated in. I told her that she performed outstandingly, as did Platini.

One of the most important things in a cardiac arrest is prompt CPR, which we initiated immediately. Quick thinking on the officers' parts contributed to this man coming back to life. I can not praise their actions enough. I hope you can acknowledge their performance in a special way as they definitely deserve a commendation.

Pam McBurnie, RN

The chief replies:


I appreciate your taking the time to provide such positive feedback on Marianne Hughes and Platini Pontes.

I am very proud of them. Marianne said that you were terrific and so thank you too.


* Code Blue = A message announced over a hospital's public address system, indicating that a cardiac arrest requiring CPR is in progress.

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