Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Poetry at the hospital

The hospital's poetry and music slam, held as part of the Schwartz Rounds, is an annual highlight. This is a side of medicine not usually seen by patients, the creative impulses of members of our staff. Some of these are prompted by care-giving experiences, some by family matters, some by other events. With permission of the participants, I offer a small sample in the video below.

The performers are Dr. Mark Gebhardt, playing J.S. Bach's Chromatic Fantasy, BWV 903; nurse Janet Greene reciting "Aged to Stone," a representation of a relative's experience with late-stage Parkinson's Disease; interpreter Domingos Ramos, reading a poem entitled "Ode to Interpreters," written by Shari Gold-Gomez, our Director of Interpreter Services; nurse Marybeth Meservey reciting "Now I know;" case manager Janet Fantasia reading "Respite;" Dr. Catherine Parker reciting "View from a Fourth Row Seat;" and a few stanzas from "Pied Beauty in Primary Care," read by Dr. Leonor Fernandez.

My apologies for the low volume levels, but you can hear these clearly if you turn up your computer's volume. Just in case, though, here is Janet's poem "Respite".

Amidst blue skies and picnickers
he arranges two sun-bleached

chairs side by side,

opens the passenger door

and cradling has wife,

gently raises her tiny form,

pulls her, legs splayed,

delicately hugging the curb

and slides through the grass

lowering her into the seat.

With a click of the radio, he leans

back and loses himself in the ballgame.

If you can't see the video, click here.

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